Mitt navn er Kjetil Hope, dette er bloggen min. Her skriver jeg utelukkende for egen regning.
fredag 11. mai 2012
Undertrykkelse av kristne?
Kristne er visst undertrykt. Det forteller i hvert organisasjonen Intolerance Against Christians, som har publisert en rapport om all denne grusomme undertrykkelsen. Avisen Vårt Land trykket rapporten til sitt bryst, mens man i Fri Tanke var mer skeptiske.
Jeg gikk gjennom rapporten, og jeg skal innrømme at en god del av eksemplene er valide. Det er uakseptabelt å kast brannbomber, å true kristne på livet eller å forstyrre gudstjenester.
Problemet er imidlertid at de overdriver, mange av eksemplene er... vel, se selv...
International: Moslem Protester Calls for “Jihad
to Christian Extremists”
September 2011: On a protest against the
USA and the UK in London on September
11, a group of Muslims marched through
London. A sign was carried which read “Jihad
to Christian Extremists”.
Ikke bra, de liker ikke slikt. Men da antar du kanskje at de er mot at kristne støter andre under demonstrasjoner?
Naive tulling!
Germany: Christian Pro Life Activist Sentenced
for Expressing His Opinion
January 2011: Mr Günther Annen demonstrated
in front of the abortion clinic
of Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan twice in August
2010, displaying a sign which said: „Why
does Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan kill unborn
children?“ He was sentenced for insult to a
penalty of 1500 € by the Darmstadt public
prosecutor’s office on Jan. 25, 2011.
Dette må du bare lære med en gang.
Muslimer demonstrer mot kristne = kristne er ofre.
Kristne demonstrerer mot abortleger = kristne er ofre.
United Kingdom: Two Local Councils in South
East England Told to Stop Holding Prayers at
the Beginning of Council Meetings
October 2011: Crowborough Town Council
and Mayfield Parish Council - both in
East Sussex - have both been told that
prayers “should not be part of a council
meeting”. The warning comes from the
Sussex Association of Local Councils,
which is responsible for local government
in the area.
United Kingdom: High Court Action against
Council Prayers Under Way
November 2011: The National Secular Society
uses courts to stop Bideford Town
Council from keeping prayers on its agenda.
Får ikke kristne beholde sine privilegier!
Spain: Easter Holidays Renamed to “Trimester
Break” in School Calendar
March 2011: The traditional school break
during Easter was renamed as the Education
Council of Castilla-La Mancha decided
to call the Easter holidays “break
between trimesters”. A similar proposal
was suggested in Barcelona but it did not
succeed as the original name was considered
to be not only linked to Christianity,
but also to the traditions and the history
of the region.
Man finner et nøytralt navn, altså er det angrep på kristendommen. Grusomt.
United Kingdom: High Court Action against
Council Prayers Under Way
November 2011: The National Secular Society
went to court to stop Bideford Town
Council from keeping opening prayers on
its agenda.
United Kingdom: “Get Bishops Out Of Our Law-
Making” Demands Journalist
February 2011: Under the headline: “Get
bishops out of our law-making”, journalist
Mr Hari criticizes the bishops for voting
against measures within the highly controversial
Equality Bill and for their stance
on end-of-life issues.
Det sitter biskoper fra ETT kirkesamfunn i House Of Lords. Er det diskriminering med likebehandling? Samtidig er lutherske og katolske kirkeledere utestengt, så det er vel diskriminering av kristne det også.
Croatia: Attempt to Silence Catholic Catechism
March 2011: Catholic catechism teacher
of a Zagreb primary school was accused
of homophobia for saying nothing else
but Catholic Church teachings during catechism
Lærer får kritikk for å kritisere homofili.
France: Teacher Dismissed for Showing a Film
About Abortion
March 2011: A French history teacher was
permanently dismissed for showing his
students a video on abortion and talking
about French abortion law.
Les mer om det her. Jeg forstår utmerket godt hvorfor læreren ble sagt opp.
Poland: Poznan Medical University Breaks Previous
Agreement to Host Reparative Therapy
September 2011: A reparative therapy
conference, which aims to help people
who struggle with same sex attraction,
was denied the use of the Medical School
Foundation (UM) facilities in Poznan, Poland.
The conference, featuring psychologist
Dr. Joseph Nicolosi of the National
Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality (NARTH), received criticism
in the Polish newspaper Gazeta
Wyborcza which led the UM to decide not
to host the event.
Skolen vil ikke ha homohelbredere på sitt område.
Jeg kan til en viss grad forstå kritikken, men problemet, som du vil se litt lenger nede, er at disse kristne tror at det bare er dem som kan bli støtt. Skolen ble tydeligvis like støtt som de kristne ble i de påfølgende eksemplene.
Netherlands: Doctors Should Refer Patients for
Euthanasia Say New Dutch Guidelines
September 2011: According to new guidelines
from the Dutch national doctors association,
doctors with moral objections
to euthanasia have “a moral and professional
duty” to refer patients to another
doctor willing to euthanize them.
Spain: Medical Doctor Forced to Refer to Abortion
April 2011: A Spanish general practitioner
from Antequera, whose beliefs conflict
with abortion, must refer women seeking
pregnancy termination to doctors
who will do it. This was clarified by Malaga
Jeg antar de kjemper for retten til leger i Jehovas Vitner til å nekte å hjelpe en skadet som umiddelbart trenger blodoverføring...
International: Ongoing Outside Pressure on Ireland
to Legalize Abortion
October 2011: At a UN meeting, delegates
from Britain, Denmark, Spain and other
countries called for Ireland to legalize
abortion - with Denmark calling for legislation
to allow for abortion on demand,
constituting pressure which seeks to undermine
the Christian convictions of the
majority of the Irish population.
Poland: Christian-Inspired Polish Abortion Law
Targeted by International Institutions
June 2011: Poland’s life-protecting abortion
law, which is inspired by its strong
Christian identity, is under attack by international
and supranational bodies. This
disrespect of national sovereignty is intolerant
towards Poland’s Christian heritage.
Det er andre nasjoner som legger press på Polen og Irland. Det er altså angrep på kristne. Reagerer de på at internasjonale organisasjoner legger press på muslimske land?
International: Christian iPhone Applications
March 2011: Apple suppresses diversity
of belief by shutting down two Christian
iPhone applications claiming that the
were “offensive to large groups of people”,
and the support of traditional marriage,
family, and life “expose[d] a group to
harm” and delivered “hate speech”.
Jeg håper de også er rasende på at Apple har fjernet endel andre apper.
Spain: Religion Teacher Forced to Remove a Crucifix
and an Icon
January 2011: A Catholic religion teacher
was forced to remove a cross and an icon
from a wall of a shared office in a secondary
school in Zújar, Spain because two
teachers said they were “offended” by
De ble støtt, siden de ikke var kristne har de ikke lov til det.
Spain: Film Trailer Displays A Jesus as Homosexual
April 2011: “The Pink Wall”, a film by Enrique
del Pozo and Julian Lara, presents
Christ crucified to a pink wall, wearing
eye shadow and lipstick, wrapped in a
gay flag around his hips. At the top of the
cross the letters “INRI” have been replaced
with “LGTB” (lesbian, gay, transsexual and
De ble støtt, siden de var kristne har de lov til det.
Spain: Hurtful Painting Displayed at the Beginning
of the Holy Week
April 2011: As part of the ‘Casus Belli art
exhibition’, the painting ‘Cristo das Rías
Baixas’ attributed to Manuel Moldes,
has been displayed in Santiago de Compostela.
The mural size artwork shows a
crucified body, upside down, and totally
naked. The display of the painting, which
is supported by the City Mayor of Compostela,
is an act that is hurtful to the
faithful, especially while they celebrate
the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral
and the beginning of the Holy Week. The
Archdioceses of Santiago expressed its
disappointment because the painting offended
the religious sentiments.
De ble støtt, siden de var kristne har de lov til det.
United Kingdom: Anti-Christian Sculpture Displayed
in Art Gallery
December 2011: An anonymous artist donated
a stone bust of a cardinal with his
face covered in pixels to a gallery in Liverpool.
The sculpture implies that Church
officials are criminals. “... it’s easy to forget
the true meaning of Christianity - the lies,
the corruption, the abuse,” says the producer.
Reyahn King, the art gallery’s director,
is “thrilled”.
De ble støtt, siden de var kristne har de lov til det.
Ireland: Blasphemous Play Hurts Feelings of
October 2011: At the Dublin Grand Canal
Theatre „Jerry Springer: The Opera“ was
screened in the country for the first time
on October 31st, 2011. Christians protested
outside the theatre before the performance
while several people walked out
during the show.
De ble støtt, siden de var kristne har de lov til det.
United Kingdom: (Scotland) Christmas
Snubbed by Government
October 2011: The Scottish Government
failed to mention Christmas in its ‘Winter
Festivals’ program. In an official news release,
the Government mentions ‘St Andrew’s
Day’ eleven times, ‘Hogmanay’ five
times and also ‘Burns Night’ several times.
Christmas is not mentioned at all.
De nevnte ikke Jul! Jeg er glad de kristne som skulle bli løvemat i Rom slapp å høre om en slik grusomhet.
United Kingdom: Children DVD Stripped of
Christian Christmas-related Content
November 2011: Produced by ‘Hit Entertainment’,
the TV episode ‘Keeping up with
James’ based on Reverend Wilbert Audry’s
books was stripped of every reference to
Christmas. The Christmas season is called
winter holidays, and the Christmas tree is
named the holiday tree. On the DVD narrator
Michael Angelis tells viewers: “You’ll
always see a tree with decorations during
the winter holidays.”
Grusomt igjen! Stakkars!
Poland: Reporter Calls Church Homophobic
Talking About the European Soccer Championship
February 2011: Homosexual Polish soccer
fans are demanding that a separate seating
section be created at the 2012 European
Soccer Championship in Poland out
of fear of harassment: Associated Press
Sports Editor, Ms. Terry Taylor, reported
about this plea with the following comment:
“Homophobia also remains deeply
embedded in Poland because of the legacy
of communism which treated homosexuality
as a taboo and the teachings of
the church in the predominantly Roman
Catholic country.”
Homofile risikerer å bli banket opp, og de som er under angrep er.... kristne?
Jeg tar nok logikken en gang i fremtiden...
International: Norway Killer Anders Breivik
Wrongly Labelled a “Christian Fundamentalist”
July 2011: Shortly after his ruthless murder
of at least 76 innocent men, women,
and children Anders Breivik has been
called a “Christian fundamentalist”, “Christian
terrorist”, and “Christian extremist”.
The media picked up the solitary, premature
and unjust comment of a police officer
right after the incident, which quickly
was proven wrong.
De første indikasjonene tydet på at han nettopp var det, eksempelvis facebooksiden hans.
Northern Ireland: Gay March Signs Offend
August 2011: Belfast’s Gay March 2011
was (again) marked by offensive anti-
Christian signs. One sign read: “Jesus had
two dads (and he turned out just fine)”.
Another protester carried a placard that
said “Jesus protect me from your followers”.
Noen gikk med et skilt! Skandale!
Italy: Campaign Against Catholic Church’s Tax
August 2011: A political campaign supported
by a social media campaign advocated
the removal of the tax exemption
granted to the Catholic Church. The
Catholic Church properties are exempted
from tax because of the community service
they provide and the social function
church buildings serve. In the fall of 2011,
the issue was dropped.
Det var et forslag! Det ble ikke engang gjennomført! Og igjen, hvorfor bare en kirke som skal få skattefordeler?
Austria: Graffiti Insults Christians in Vienna’s
First District
September 2011: In Postgasse, a fancy Vienna
downtown street, graffiti was placed
on a residential house saying: “Pig Christians
destroy the world”, signed with an
anarchy symbol.
Tjen Folket sprayer bilder av Stalin på vegger, en person som ville henrettet meg om jeg bodde i Sovjet. Føler jeg meg angrepet? Nope!
International: Clothing Company Benetton
Disrespects Christians By Defamatory Image of
Pope in Ad
November 2011: An advertisement campaign
of the clothing company Benetton
featured the Pope intensely kissing on
the lips the Islamic Shek of the Al-Azhar
Mosque. The campaign is called ‘UnHate’
and claims to stand for peace in the world.
The image of the pope kissing the imam
implies that the Pope would currently
“hate” the Imam, or be intolerant towards
Muslims. After many protests, Benetton
removed the photo montage off their
Og regner de dette som et angrep på islam også? Tvilsomt. Antyder ikke plakaten at muslimer hater kristne?
Germany: Flash Mob Disturbs Good Friday Procession
April 2011: A flash mob intending to protest
against a law prohibiting dancing
events on certain holidays, interfered
with the Good Friday procession of the
Croatian Catholic community in Frankfurt/
Skal de ikke få lov til å danse på spesielle helligdager? Dytter de sine helligdager på andre, og krever at andre skal følge deres regler?
United Kingdom: Christian Debt Counselling
Charity Excluded from Support Network for Offering
Prayer to Clients
September 2011: ‚Advice UK’, the largest
support network for free advice centres in
the UK, has pushed out a Christian debt
counselling charity from its membership
for offering to pray with clients suffering
from debt problems.
De ville be for klientene i stedet for å se over forbruk og inntekter og hjelpe dem til å spare mer. Og disse ville ikke Advice UK reklamere for? Skandale! De har sikkert ikke noen problemer med å tillate organisajoner som ofrer geiter eller leser i stjernene for å gi råd. Det er nok bare de kristne som rammes.
Som du skjønner, det krever en helt egen logikk for å skjønne hvor undertrykte kristne er i verden i dag. Helt seriøst, så ødelegger de for seg selv ved å rapporter slike saker som angrep på kristne. Vi kjenner alle historien om gutten som ropte ulv, og ved å utgi et slikt makkverk av en rapport har de redusert de virkelige overgrepene mot kristne til en spøk. Dem er det mange av, men ved at all kritikk av kristne tolkes som forfølgelse, vannes begrepet ut.
Ved å publisere en slik rapport fører det til at de virkelige overgrepene kan overses av media.
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